Shhhh, it’s not you and it probably isn’t him and no way, is
it her… But dear god, I want it to be someone
or something so all this fear, all this anxiety and all this frustration can be
turned into anger, rage and self-righteousness.
And if I can attack some thing, some institution, some person then I can
control IT and IT will go away.
No, you are not the enemy, your post is not the enemy and I
am not your enemy. And somewhere in this
swirling pit of information is the truth… a pure, unadulterated truth. The enemy is a novel virus – a new, highly
contagious, debilitating and often fatal virus.
And in all of this back and forth, we should be directing
our attention to the real enemy and be unified in our desire for a successful
treatment and a cure. We should be
unified in our support of those essential workers keeping us fed, working in
hospitals and healthcare facilities and studying the disease in laboratories searching
for a cure. Our enemy is a virus, not
Somewhere we lost that.
Somewhere all lives don’t matter.
Somewhere our fear turned into anger and our concern for others
dwindled. Yes, your opinion counts! And opinions are just that – a personal
reflection on something or person. This
is an opinion. And if an opinion quotes
or references facts, then those facts should be true.
There is no Uniter right now. There is no person rising to the top to unite
us against this enemy. (OK, I do love
Governor Cuomo’s daily briefings but that is NY.) Our enemy is a virus, not you, not them.
It is fear that is driving all this division and finger
pointing. It may be the fear of dying, of
getting sick, of losing a loved one, of loss of income, of loss of freedom that
is driving this anger, this need to make some thing, some person the
enemy. Our enemy is a virus, not you,
not them.
Are people making the right decisions? We cannot know in the here and now. This enemy is unknown, novel… it’s wrath is unfolding. Is science and medicine perfect, without
mistakes? No, but when faced with the
unknown, the process of discovery has a long and successful history. They are not the enemy, a virus is…
I don’t profess knowing what the solution is or how to bring
harmony back into popularity. What I do
know is that you are not the enemy, and even if I disagree with your opinion,
the enemy is the virus. The robber of
everything that used to be normal is not a human or an institution; the thief
is COVID-19.
Unite against the enemy and not against your neighbor. Demand honesty in your facts, research your
posts and above all, know that the enemy is a virus and the thief is COVID-19.
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