I stand for Peace.

And, while we're at it, what is right? Am I to know what is right above the guy in the office next to me who fears for the safety of his 16 year old son commuting to school in the city? What if my right becomes so strident that by its very intensity it becomes wrong? In standing up for Peace, is it possible to cause harm?
I stand for Peace.

Oh, this sense of righteousness is everywhere. Don't get horse folk talking about whether its better for horses to be blanketed in the winter or whether its better for horses to have shoes or go barefoot. Those discussions definitely need a peace maker.
I stand for Peace.
There is still a charge in that declaration and I feel it down to my core. I can not remain silent on what I see are injustices, yet I must have the humility to know that I am not always right. If I can just be a voice that can be heard, that encourages a person to think critically, to question "reality" as defined by something other than what is in their heart, then, maybe Peace happens in a small way.
I stand for Peace.
Yeah, sounds kind of overwhelming in the "I'm-not-ready-and-the-world's-challenges-are-way-too-big" kind of way. And I may never be that person who will move the masses but, I can be that person that builds the energy that changes the energy in others who then may change it in more.
On this afternoon before the Presidential Debates and a mere 6 weeks to the election, I feel the need to be the Peace that I want in the world. Hmmmm... that is food for thought!
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