It was one of those late work nights in a white collar firm... We are thinkers, creative planners and, with information and critical analysis, we provide clients with a direction and a plan. We are paid to tell them what to do...
Two men , admired for their intellect, kindness and great sense of humor, began a conversation about the Presidential Candidate, HRC. And, they laughed at the videos of her "fainting", they called her Crooked HRC and they criticized her appearance, her voice and her laugh.
I wondered, who were these men? Did they not have daughters? Were they really going to vote for the one they call DT? Everything that's been said, every recording there is - interviews, speeches, comments and all that has been publicly posted from and approved by DT... is all of that nothing?
We are, as a people and as a nation, losing our ability to critically think. The videos they were watching were not from "neutral" or "trusted" sites but were from very conservative, very right wing sites. Who are these men?
I wanted to use my voice and challenge their talk but I sat in my office and said nothing. I said nothing... these were not the men I knew in the daylight. So, I remained still and voiceless... These are men unencumbered by reason or challenge... It would not be me tonight. I am quiet...
And yet I railed in my head! I ranted to the computer as I proofed my spreadsheet. Who are these men? And, why does November 8th frighten me so...
Ever viligant...
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