Tuesday, April 5, 2016


Somewhere, way back when, we stop being free.  For some, there is a moment well remembered and for others there is a soft muffling of sound... quieter and quieter until there is just a whisper.  Then one day we began seeing and speaking with another's thoughts mirrored as our own.

As softly as need be.
Oh your sound will be heard whether it is a quiet whisper or the strongly-worded-in-your-face-demand-to-be-noticed bellow.  It is our nature to be, even if we judge our being from those that "see" us,  "sight" unseen.

And what would your voice be if there was no one to judge what was being said?  And would that voice grow if it was nurtured with love and good cheer?  And what would happen if those words of love and cheer resonated from within?

There once was a woman I knew who spent a lifetime bellowing out her words.  A single mother whose husband abandoned her days after her child was born. It was a time in the world where single motherhood was not championed and her voice had to drown out those who judged.
What will be will be...

What would her voice be today if she had been heard?  What would it be like for her?

I have been and can be a bellower.  I did so because I needed to be heard.  Today, I strive to speak with clear voice in melodious tones.  I will laugh hard - snorting and chuckling with glee.  And if I need to I will bark and bellow.  Mostly, I say what I say as gently as what is needed to be heard...

What will this blog be?  I hope it will be a Voice - one that will be fun, will tell stories, will support those looking to find their own Voice and, maybe, just maybe it will affect change.

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