Thursday, December 29, 2016


As as little girl, I prayed for a pony.  I prayed that God would see me doing good things, being a good girl and reward that goodness with a pony.  Years passed and I stopped praying for a pony. 

Others convinced me that God was too busy to give out pony presents and that pony prayers were self-centered and wrong... One should only pray for Peace on Earth, Goodwill to Humankind and maybe the health of an Aunt, Uncle, Cousin or Friend.  Prayers were for others, not for me.

So what is Prayer?  Who does one pray to? 

I am a God-based person so I pray to God.  There is a belief "out-there" that the term God is for a being that can not be named.  But as humans, we find it difficult to be with things unnamed so we name them - God, Yahweh, Allah, Jesus, Divine, Great Spirit, Spirit, Universe, Higher Power and so many more.   For me, God is some "thing" - a power that is greater than the self. 

My concept of prayer has aged like a fine wine.  I do want things - a new sale, healthy animals, good energy and the most present - the feeling that ALL will be ok.  You know, the trust factor.  I am now allowed to ask God for things as well as for the greater good.  Prayer is a communion with God... I get to talk to him (yes, I use the male form but not convinced that God has a gender) like an old Wise Person.

Here is where the thinking comes in... the ever present pondering...  Does Prayer Work?  My obvious answer is yes but... let me review the catalyst for such pondering...

There is this prayer chain for a friend who is gravely ill.  It is likely that this person will not survive.  My prayer is for his family, his friends and for him.  I pray that there be healing and that he recovers completely.  It is what I want for him and his family.  Whatever happens, I feel that this family is bathed in love from the outpouring of message and is held and supported in the God's loving energy.

There are other prayers that make me ponder...  What happens if he doesn't make it?  Did prayer fail?  Does the person praying feel abandoned?  Or worse, will the reason that prayers are not answered because of faults from the sick?  These were two of many posts (among many) that had a "must recover" feeling (to me).

"We reverse the any curse that has been spoken against {name}.  We speak healing all the way to the marrow.  Breathe, live all the days of his life. Nothing shorten.  We claim a miracle to glorify the King of Kings.  We thank you Jesus that you are the sustainer of life.  We look to you alone.  Amen."

"Lord, we thank You that You are a healer.  Bring health and healing to {name}.  Lord we thank You that they are being cared for.  We thank you that this life is in Your hands.  Lord, we decree that {name} will live and not die and they will share the goodness of God.  We come against all schemes, plans, attacks and assignment of evil against them. Release the angels of healing to them. Release the warriors to watch over and protect them.  Give peace and comfort to the family in Jesus name."

In writing this I am in no way judging any one person's prayer.  I wonder, how do you reconcile prayer if you don't get the exact thing you prayed for?  Or commanded?

I've heard it said that God heals all.  Healing is not curing.  Curing is the removal of a disease, illness or injury.  Healing is the peace that flows into an earth-bound soul that resolves "something"... a mother/daughter relationship, the feeling of love and support where there was none, the knowing that everything is ok in a time of unrest and uncertainty and yes, sometimes healing accompanies a cure.

I did get a pony... just a mere 34 years after I stopped praying for that result.  Did God reward the good girl?  Or was my journey to owning a horse the healing that God promises.

So little time and so much to ponder...No answers, just thoughtful discourse and well, prayers for healing.